Mujeres moviendo méxico

We are currently running 8 Women Business Development Centers as part of a pilot program called "Mujeres Moviendo México" (Women Moving Mexico) through a public-private partnership with the National Institute for Entrepreneurs. Additional strategic partners of the project are the National Institute of Women, Banorte (the largest Mexican-owned bank) and Google. 

In addition, the Mexican Central Bank and the World Bank are our third party evaluators with whom we're working on a randomized control trial to measure the impact of our work. Furthermore, we finished a project with Banamex in Zacatecas to test new business financial education materials. 

In these Business Development Centers we offer training in business skills, technical assistance, guidance and services to women entrepreneurs in the participating entities: Aguascalientes, Distrito Federal, Estado de México, Guanajuato and Querétaro. It also articulates a national network of women entrepreneurs and has a diagnostic platform and online support for women throughout the country.